Monday, November 19, 2007

All my plants are dying....

There was a point in time when I had lots of plants all over my house and they grew and I re-potted them into larger pots and they grew more....

But now I can't seem to be bothered.

I think it's because I have cable. And because I left for a month and my cousin didn't water them and they mostly died then. I made a weak attempt at bringing them back, but I don't think I had a chance to properly bond with them before I went away and, therefore, wasn't especially worried about their brown, leafy demise.

But there's something to be said for one's ability to keep plant life alive. Houseplants are pretty hard to kill. You really have to neglect them. Point being, I suck at taking care of things right now.

I could blame my job, but it's not my job's fault that when I'm at home I can't be bothered to water my plants. I don't know what it is. But I'm reading into it and not necessarily liking the conclusion I get. Isn't there some sort of rule out of rehab that you can't start a relationship until you successfully take care of a pet? And that you can't have a pet until you successfully take care of plants? Ok, that may be from a bad Sandra Bullock movie. But the point is relevant no matter where you find it.

I think I'll go to a greenhouse this week (as I have the luxury of having a car) and pick up some new plants and pots and stuff and do some gardening. Word.


Thanksgiving approacheth and I have nothing to do on Thursday. (Except Project Greenhouse, apparently) I'm 50/50 between inviting the few people I know who aren't doing anything over for dinner or dragging those people to the bars and getting wasted. I was thinking about it the other day and I realized that this must be the first Thanksgiving I've ever been away from the Fam. I've missed Christmas once (depressing) but I think I made it to Thanksgiving that year.

It's not that Thanksgiving is this super-important holiday for me, per se. I don't even really dig all the food and whatnot. Mostly, it's about having the chance to hang with the whole family. And I'm pretty much solo this year. I'm planning to attack it with gusto and come out of it on Friday victorious. We'll see. I may just roll around at the bottom of a whiskey glass all day instead.


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