Thursday, March 15, 2007

16th & Valencia

I got off work and headed to the Mission to meet my buddy tonight - and when I got there it was kind of a disaster. He was sitting at a table at this coffee shop talking to one of the regulars in that kind of circular drunk way. My arrival was kind of half-way recognized from his stupor of booze and god knows what else. I had a beer, smoked some weed and tried to get out of him why he was so fucked up (he's got tolerance of steel, my friends) and eventually just put him in a cab and sent the poor dude home. Which was actually kind of perfect, because my whole family is staying at a hotel in south city and my cousin is sleeping. I have the living room to myself and I'm sitting here digging the silence and drinking some wine. But I need to pull that dude aside and have one of those drunken-stoned let's talk about life type of evenings.

It's been family visit month so far in March. It's only going to get worse in April. My life is officially all about my sister's wedding right now. Boo.

I'm trying to figure out how I have time to move in the next month or so. My folks are getting serious about buying a house - which means I have to get serious about finding a cheaper place. Apartments should just fall in your lap. That would be sweet. You know what's not sweet - my Mom trying to convince me to buy a house. Wow. It's cute that she thinks I'm in any way ready or capable to do so. I think.

I have rediscovered Cat Powers - and by this - Nina Simone. Sweet.

So on to the small bits of social life I actually have left.

I had a small shindig at the casa. Works peeps. They brought the hookah and I cooked the food. Dave Simon brought his dog. Pics to prove I'm not all introspective delusion.

Dave Simon. Hookah. Intense Oakland sky.

Chelsea playing Prince of Persia in the corner. (No, we didn't notice the theme.)

Frank is intimidated by her skillz.

End social life.

White wine. Nina Simone. Waxing poetic on a blog.

You know what I want to do when I grow up? Go back to school and research odd phenomena like dead kid's myspace pages used as memorials. You ask why. I answer because what else is there to do? I may as well contribute to the philosophical and theoretical parts of society and teach or something. Instead of having meetings about establishing processes and streamlining workflow. What a waste of energy.



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