Si Se Puede
Where the fuck is the tipping point, people? How many people can get laid off and denied unemployment extensions, or refused health care for pre-existing conditions, or slave away underpaid for some bullshit corporation who fucks the little guy just for fun before we all decide that it's simply not worth the level of complacency we've all become accustomed to?
How many billions of gallons of oil need to pour onto endangered dolphins and mermaids in the Gulf before we assemble a lynching mob for the assholes responsible?
You know why sixteen year old kids from Richmond are throwing themselves in front of BART trains? Yeah. You fucking do.
They have a century of the same old shit to look forward to. Sure, the economy might pick itself up and dust itself off in the next decade. And then we'll all fucking shit our pants with self entitled American manifest destiny, and start the chess timer ticking again until the next cluster fuck. Because until we all realize that the reason we're in this shit storm in the first place is because we consistently allow industrial complexes to run this country, we'll just continue to live hand to mouth. And don't get me wrong - overpaying for pre-packaged over-processed food just so we don't have to leave the couch during Prime Time to cook dinner? Yeah, that's what I mean when I say fucking hand to mouth.
Whatever, I digress. I'm not about to move to some commune where they really get into socialism at it's core and trade goats for communist literature or some shit. I just want to drink my wine and smoke my cigarettes, get a yearly check-up and pay most of my bills. I just want people with billions of dollars to throw me a fucking cool five million so I can hang out at their parties and puke in their yards. And wear fleeces.
Is it too much to ask to be loaded so I can fuck these assholes from the inside out? Can the normal consumer wage a war against those in power consisting of insurgents at the inside of the top levels of industry in the US? I would get behind that shit. I would set those motherfuckers up with a 10% tithe of my earnings. I would enlist! Hoo-ra!
I'm actually not super bitter. I have a pretty sweet life right now. But it's boring to make ends meet, so I have to direct that somewhere. It's between this and fantasies about the zombie apocalypse. Meh, they both end the same.
How many billions of gallons of oil need to pour onto endangered dolphins and mermaids in the Gulf before we assemble a lynching mob for the assholes responsible?
You know why sixteen year old kids from Richmond are throwing themselves in front of BART trains? Yeah. You fucking do.
They have a century of the same old shit to look forward to. Sure, the economy might pick itself up and dust itself off in the next decade. And then we'll all fucking shit our pants with self entitled American manifest destiny, and start the chess timer ticking again until the next cluster fuck. Because until we all realize that the reason we're in this shit storm in the first place is because we consistently allow industrial complexes to run this country, we'll just continue to live hand to mouth. And don't get me wrong - overpaying for pre-packaged over-processed food just so we don't have to leave the couch during Prime Time to cook dinner? Yeah, that's what I mean when I say fucking hand to mouth.
Whatever, I digress. I'm not about to move to some commune where they really get into socialism at it's core and trade goats for communist literature or some shit. I just want to drink my wine and smoke my cigarettes, get a yearly check-up and pay most of my bills. I just want people with billions of dollars to throw me a fucking cool five million so I can hang out at their parties and puke in their yards. And wear fleeces.
Is it too much to ask to be loaded so I can fuck these assholes from the inside out? Can the normal consumer wage a war against those in power consisting of insurgents at the inside of the top levels of industry in the US? I would get behind that shit. I would set those motherfuckers up with a 10% tithe of my earnings. I would enlist! Hoo-ra!
I'm actually not super bitter. I have a pretty sweet life right now. But it's boring to make ends meet, so I have to direct that somewhere. It's between this and fantasies about the zombie apocalypse. Meh, they both end the same.