Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A Passage Filled With Silence

Sometimes you think someone enters your life to serve as a catalyst for something specific - something that you've been looking for. But instead, they act as mirror, reflecting yourself back at you in all it's morning glory. They act as a way to compare the past, and to illustrate how far you've come from the tropes you have yet to shed, despite the fact that they hang loose and translucent around your arms. And it comes round to bite you that what you've been looking for (and, of course, what you've found) is not at all what you need.

It would be so easy to ignore the red flags popping up like roses, thorns exposed. People do it all the time, right? They fall into old patterns and settle for right-now instead of forging ahead. Life is hard, let's just make it easy.

But I can't settle. Not when there are so many cities to explore, not when my life is laid out in front of me like so many empty highway horizons.


Blogger mathew_nelson said...

still digging your words and blog and shit, stranger

8:26 PM  

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