Monday, May 07, 2007

Epic Global Domination

Some old SC buddies came over to play Risk today. It was the perfect day to sit around on the porch, drink cheap Mexican beer with lemon, and listen to hip-hop and the clackity-clack of the dice.

Erik, Jeff and myself - picture taken with Jeff's monkey arm holding my camera precariously.

More monkey arm shots with Jeff.

We played for hours - which is why we needed to light up the board with candles later on in the evening.

The game was starting to heat up. After dominating Europe and most of Asia (and Africa for a few turns), I fell to the Jeffster's evil card-dealing ways. He took out Erik and gained 4 more cards to trade in - which allowed him to sweep the globe with 50 troops in the middle of his turn. Needless to say, I seceded. That's too much dice-rolling when I know I'm going to lose.

Besides losing Risk, I didn't do a whole lot else this weekend. I had some wine with Angie and her new boy Jeff (different than the one pictured above) on Saturday. We subjected the poor guy to endless wedding slideshows, Vegas pictures, and a ton of girl chat. Poor dude.

It's that time of year where you can glimpse summer around the corner. I'm hoping for some sweet barbeque action at my house soon. It's also high time for another beach bonfire. Good thing my birthday's next weekend - I plan on inviting as many people as possible to come over and bring food and meat. Yes!

Just 5 more days of work before the next weekend. I can handle that, right?



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